
Raíña Lupa Award for literature for young people 2017 for “A filla do Minotauro”

Frei Martín Sarmiento Award for literature for young people, 2009 por “A cabeza de Medusa” (voted by students).

White Ravens Catalogue from the International Youth Library in Munich 2009, to “A cabeza de Medusa” (see below for the note in the Catalogue*).

Fundación Caixa Galicia Award for literature for young people, 2008 for “A cabeza de Medusa”.

Poetry Caixanova / PEN Club award, 2006 por “Mudanzas”

White Ravens Catalogue from the International Youth Library in Munich, 2002 to “Paxaros de Papel”

La Voz de Galicia award to novel by instalments, 2001to «Unha presa de terra».

Xerais , novel award, 2001 to «Teoría do Caos».

San Clemente award 2002 to «Teoría do Caos». (Voted by High School students).

Lazarillo Award for Childrens’ books 1999 to «A Banda sen futuro».

Lecturas Award for Childrens’ books 2001 to «A Banda sen futuro»

Poetry Esquío award 1998 to «Catálogo de Velenos»

Álvaro Cunqueiro award for Fiction 1998 to «A Compañía Clandestina de Contrapublicidade»

IBBY Honor List 1997 for the translation of “The Hunting of the Snark” from Lewis Carroll («A Caza do Carbairán»)

Manuel Murguía award for Short Stories 1997 to «Desaforados Muños».

Rañolas award 1996 for «O Trasno de Alqueidón».

Merlín Award for literature for young people 1994 to «A Expedición do Pacífico».

Galician Critics’ Award 1995 to «A Expedición do Pacífico» (only time that has been awarded to a book for young people)


Acknowledgements to her work

Homage from the AGPTI (Asociación Galega de Profesionais da Tradución e Interpretación / Galician Translators Association) 2009, to her work as translator.

Homage from the AELG (Asociación de Escritores en Lingua Galega / Galician Writers’ Association) 2010, E, de ‘Escritora na súa Terra’, to her work.

Author receiving homage in the Salón do libro Infantil e Xuvenil 2013.

Appointed as academic in the Real Academia Galega 14 January 2017.

Galegas Destacadas Award, 2017, of the Asociación Diálogos 90 de Vigo.

* From the White Ravens Catalogue, 2009

Spain (Galician) 154 Aleixandre, Marilar A cabeza de Medusa (The Medusa’s head) Vigo: Xerais, 2008. – 211 p. ISBN 978-84-9782-900-7 Rape – Shame – Friendship – Self-confidence – Courage. Young adult novels about »difficult« topics often seem like big exclamation points between two covers. »A cabeza de Medusa« is also an issue-focused book, but here the tightrope walk between telling a compelling story and delivering a message is successfully accomplished. Realistically, direct, and without shying away from taboos, Marilar Aleixandre tells the story of two friends who are close to graduating from high school and out of the blue one night are raped by two university students. The novel concentrates less on the crime itself and more on the consequences, such as their feelings of humiliation, shame, and impotence and the partly helpless or non-supportive reactions of their families and school. Even though this book does seem to make a plea at certain spots, it is convincing and deserves many female as well as male readers. (14+)