For a full list of fiction, see the Galician section
– O coitelo en novembro, (The knife in november) Vigo, Xerais 2010 (Short stories)
– Teoría do caos, (A theory of chaos) Vigo: Xerais 2001. Xerais novel award.
– A Compañía Clandestina de Contrapublicidade, (The clandestine company for counter-advertising) Vigo: Galaxia 1998; Álvaro Cunqueiro award for fiction,
– Lobos nas Illas, (Wolves on the islands) Xerais 1996, Vigo, (Short stories; translated to Spanish Lobos en las islas, Lumen, 2001, Barcelona.)
Fiction in anthologies
– “Under the trout’s skin” from The knife in november, in Anthology of Galician literature (1981–2011) /Antoloxía da literatura galega. (Edited and translated by Jonathan Dunne). Xunta de Galicia / Xerais / Galaxia, 2012.
–“Wolves on the islands” from Wolves on the islands, in Breogan's Lighthouse. An anthology of Galician Literature (Ed. A. de Toro Santos). London: Francis Boutle, 2010. (Translated by the Translation Workshop at the University of Oxford, under the direction of John Rutherford)
– “The light of day so soon dark” and “Wolves in the island”. In From the beginning of the sea. Anthology of contemporary Galician short stories, (Ed. X. de Toro). Foreign Demand, Brighton, 2009. (Translated by the Translation Workshop at the University of Oxford, under the direction of John Rutherford)
Fiction in webpages
– “Death in the chest” from The knife in november, in the web “Portico of Galician literature” (translated by Jonathan Dunne)